Spam Musubi is better late in the night

After long hours of studying for finals...I came home thoroughly famished. My roommate offered me the rest of her shrimp & chicken pasta (which was delicious), but I was still hungry. I thought about some recent ingredients I had purchased (seaweed). Okay, I didn't want to make sushi again...but what about SPAM MUSUBI!?? Now that's a wonderfully easy snack.

1 can SPAM
2 cups cooked rice (nice & hot!)
4 seaweed sheets

What to do
1. Slice and heat SPAM in skillet (I like it little crispy)
2. When SPAM is done, soak off extra oil with paper towel...or in my case since we were out...straight up white paper.
3. Spread rice over seaweed sheet
4. Cut seaweed sheet in half (each sheet should make 2 musubis)
5. Place two SPAM slices on each half of seaweed sheet
6. Roll and serve immediately because I like my food hot.
7. Makes 8 large spam musubis

Advanced SPAM musubi
1. While SPAM is heating in skillet, add sugar & soysauce. Let that sauce carmelize. It will add some extra flavor to your musubi.
2. When SPAM is done, dip it in rice seasoning (aka Furikaki) for extra spice!
3. Cut musubi in smaller slices for a bite sized treat (makes 16 spam musubis.)
4. Individually wrap spam musubis in plastic wrap for a snack on the go

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